
Speculative digital options strategies typically consist of a trader implementing a some sort of technical analysis to pick high probability binary options entry points. Candlestick charts are used pretty extensively in these types of digital options strategies as they are pretty adept at identifying short-term trends, something all digital options traders strive for with best option trader

When implementing speculative digital options strategies, traders tend to wait until the last few minutes prior to the lock out period to place a trade. Waiting until the last minute to place the binary options trade minimizes the amount of time the trader needs to be correct in his/her short term directional choice.

Stocks tend to move around a bit and it is very common for trends to reverse after a few minutes, that's why its a good idea to wait till the last minute to place your trade, so it becomes a lot easier to determine the direction correctly.

Binary options Hedging Strategies

The hedging binary options strategy can be seen as the direct opposite. While it's very risky to speculate with binary options, hedgers placing their trades as early as possible, monitor their trades performance, in order to choose the right actionplan in order to minimize their risk and increase their profits with digital options